Investment Advice & Portfolio Management

Investing in a portfolio of assets can be an effective way to grow your wealth over time.

However, it relies on selecting the right mix of investment types, underpinned by a practical strategy that is in line with your personal goals.

The first step in creating a sound and relevant Investment Portfolio is selecting the right asset allocation, taking into account your cash liquidity, risk profile and time frame. At Beresfords, we believe that there is never a ‘one size fits all’ investment approach, because everyone is different.

To support your investment strategy and manage your asset portfolio, we review your objectives, conduct market research and then provide expert investment advice to help you make well-informed investment decisions. This includes taking into account your risk tolerance, tax efficiencies, practicalities, asset class diversification and fee minimisation.

Bringing all of these elements together allows us to provide you with the best opportunity to get the most from investment returns. At Beresfords, our investment advice and portfolio management services include:

  • Cash
  • Fixed Income
  • Domestic and International Shares
  • Managed Funds
  • Real Estate property