Superannuation Management

Your superannuation is an important part of creating wealth in preparation for your retirement.

The better you plan today, the more you’ll have to support your lifestyle in the future. However, there are so many rules surrounding superannuation, and that’s what makes it complex when trying to make the right decisions.

Our Financial Advisers understand all the continually changing superannuation rules and apply their expertise to create an efficient tax strategy to build and retain your wealth. This includes optimising your superannuation contributions and applying superannuation rules to maximise your benefits.

Our goal is to make superannuation simple for you, so you can have confidence and peace of mind about your financial future.

Self-Managed Superannuation

As an alternative to simply contributing to an industry superfund account, you can look at a Self-Managed Superfund (SMSF). An SMSF gives you full control over your own superfund, which includes the tax and legal responsibilities. While this does offer many advantages, you need the right management to make it work best for you.

Our Beresford Financial Advisers are SMSF specialists who can review your circumstances to see if an SMSF is the right strategic decision for you. We offer a complete, end-to-end solution, which includes helping you implement and set up your SMSF, as well as ongoing SMSF management, so you achieve the best outcomes and enjoy the life you’ve earned.